Upload Your Own Kiss-Cut Sticker Sheet
Legendary Glitter
Upload your own kiss-cut sticker sheet
Pre-cut in the shape of your design
1.0", 1.5", 2.0", 2.5", 3" or 3.5" size options
Choose if you want (or don't want) a 9mm white border around each image
Clear Cast and White Cast available!
Each sheet is 4x6", so all stickers to be included on the sheet will be the same size.
Images will look best in print when uploaded with 300 DPI or greater.
The image you upload is the exact image that will be printed. If any artifacts, pixels, shadows, watermarks, etc are present on the image that is uploaded, those same artifacts, pixels, shadows, watermarks, etc will be present in the final print as well.
These are custom prints, and returns / refunds will not be accepted, unless damage is present upon delivery. Returns / refunds will not be accepted if the quality of the file uploaded results in a poor quality final print. Please be sure of your file quality before finalizing your order and payment.